This was a really short tour ? only four full birding days and two travel days ? designed specially as a bpre/b-American Birding Association Convention tour. Originally we were to spend two nights at Casa de Piedra in Gómez Farías, b..../b Elegant Trogons were especially common here, and we saw both of the large woodpeckers (Pale-billed and Lineated), Smoky-brown Woodpecker, many of the locally breeding and resident bVaux's/b Swifts, understory flocks with pairs of Red-throated ...
bHôtel/b cinq étoiles pour compagnons ? quatre pattes! Les propriétaires de chiens qui ne supportent pas de quitter leur fid?le compagnon ? quatre pattes peuvent désormais atténuer la douleur de la séparation en offrant ? leur toutou un b.../b